"Akasha has been in my life for about 2 years thanks to my naturopath recommending I see her when she came to Los Angeles for a brief tour. She made time to see me quite a bit, and thus began her part in my healing. Since then, I have seen and worked with her, and although I would like to claim that I have always been consistent, she has been the one to keep me on track. Akasha heals me in person, over the phone, and remotely when we set up a time when she will work. Although at first the idea of remote healing didn’t seem possible, I have seen the results. One thing that I love about Akasha, but is also challenging!, is that she really follows spirit where it leads. This means that a session may deal with a wide range of spiritual, emotional, and physical issues as a part of the healing. Sometimes I bring up an issue; sometimes she does. But it is always done out of love and clearly led by spirit. I have been to John of God with Akasha, and it was life changing. One of the best things about it was the unbroken time to focus on healing. As with anything counter-culture, my times with Akasha are too few to compete with the messages of hopelessness and death that surround us, and I have to “do my own work,” a statement I have often heard from Akasha. She supports me to develop my own practice that leads to healing. Akasha has been willing to work with me and my family on so many levels. For a man who has been raised with HMO western medicine, when I was written off by western doctors, Akasha came into my life, and has been a consistent force of hope and and healing.
- Peter Hoffman-Kipp, Ph.D
"I cannot imagine a world without Akasha. She is a dear friend, a spiritual counselor and one of the most gifted healers that I’ve ever encountered. With gentle kindness and frank honesty regarding what she sees, Akasha is able to pinpoint areas of weakness in the energy field and then actually work to repair and rebuild a client’s matrix. I personally have witnessed and experienced an incredible and rapid healing of serious conditions after work by Akasha. She does her work on an etheric level and is often able to anticipate the onset of disease before it is detected by traditional medicine. With regard to her readings, Akasha is very helpful in guiding clients to personally redefine their destinies and to alleviate anxieties regarding where they are in their life’s path. Akasha is a truly dedicated light-worker. She is an individual of the highest integrity and fully demonstrates her belief system in the way she lives her own life."
- Barbara, Florida
"The workshop was fabulous! It was just perfect and in the moment. The healing that went on in that room…well it is just beautiful. Everything about it was fun. The friends, the food, the learning, the lovely gifts, the laughing, the crying, the quiet, the noise, the sharing, the growing, the music, the blankets, just everything…no expectations except being open. Between the workshop, the private healing, and the beautiful chanting I was lifted to places I’ve never been. Thank you."
- Sha
"Akasha’s abilities as a medical intuitive, inter dimensional healer, medium and spiritual teacher are phenomenal. The depth of her spiritual work transforms lives and results in profound spiritual, emotional and physical healing."
- Nancy
"Akasha is the most gifted healer I know. She has precise viewing skills for “seeing” into the problems of a person and an electromagnetic ability imbued with great love to heal with the help of Spirit and the willingness of the client. She has been a superb teacher from whom I have learned many inter-dimensional healing skills. I am proud to be her friend, colleague and recipient of her healing ministrations. I recommend Akasha as both a great healer/seer and as a teacher."
- Frank Kai, Ontario
"Throughout the years of my knowing Akasha, there is no one that I trust more with my soul work or my psychological work than her. Akasha has helped me through my darkest night, my incessant questionings, and my most joyful moments. Her truth, integrity, love and unending patience with me has given me the tools to use to rise higher and be the best that I can be. I am blessed to have had her depth of Understanding and Knowing guiding me and lighting my path of self -discovery. Teaching her wisdom, sharing her talents, working on the spiritual, mental and physical aspects of who I am and where I am on my path has been one of my greatest gifts…Akasha has been one of my Greatest Gifts in this lifetime."
- Cindy Reott
"To be with Akasha is to be deeply touched by the Grace of Spirit. She will gently invite you to notice and experience your own Divinity. With Akasha you will find a sacred guide filled with Love, Light and Laughter. I highly recommend you discover her gifts."
- Denny Unger, Sama Kara Center, Somerset. PA
"I always knew there was much more to my being and my spirit. I didn’t know how to begin to look for it, experience it or have it work for my well-being. Akasha’ Workshops started my journey of discovery. Akasha made me feel very much at ease. I felt a calmness and sense of security, which allowed me to fully respond to her guidance. She showed me how to put the pieces together to achieve harmony, balance, strength and a long-awaited openness to my past and my future. Akasha’s Workshop left me with confidence and an appetite to explore even further the wonders of my new path."
- Christine Riley, CA
"My direct experience when receiving healing energy from Akasha can not be put down in words. When an Indian devotee asked his Master what he called his healing modality, his Master replied,” How can you name the Nameless?” What comes through Akasha as she transcends into the realm of all possibilities, is the Nameless….I highly recommend a healing experience with Akasha so you may be graced to experience the Nameless*************** The Nameless is where the miracles arise."
- Paul, from PA
"Have a problem and don’t know how to deal with it? Or, can’t even define the problem? Ask Akasha. Her insight transcends space and time. It has helped me to have a Phoenix Rising."
- Nick